I had a stomach bug last weekend and, to be nice, my husband did the grocery shopping. He took a list, but because he wanted one thing from a specific store he bought all the groceries at that store. Grocery total? $150!!!!!! OMG! I can usually get the exact same list for around $70 without trying! The concept of shopping at more than one store never crossed his mind. Note to self: Don't send husband grocery shopping unless you have a large cushion in the checking account!
The diet is going well. I am stuck at 9 pounds down for the past two days, but I think my stomach bug over the weekend did a number on my system. Hopefully my losses will increase as the week goes on. Still, I am quit pleased with 9 pounds in 12 days.
I should be reading my new book club book, but I cannot put down one of my Christmas gifts. It's "Under the Dome" by Stephen King. I think it is fantastic. Definitely more of a psychological thriller, than a gore thriller. It reminds me of "Lord of the Flies", but with adults in a modern American town.
Puppy potty training....UGHH! That's all I'll say about that!
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