Sunday, June 13, 2010

Calliope's Photo Friday - Shoes

I love shoes! As a (slowly reducing) fat girl, shoes are my go to purchase. Shoes do not care if your thighs a thin enough for skinny jeans or if you arms are tones enough for sleeveless tops. Shoes love you no matter what!

These are my favorite dress shoes. I don't wear them often, as I only go out occasionally. They are not a special brand, but they were made by a boutique near my office.

Go check out everyone else at Calliope's Photo Friday! (So I'm late!)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Calliope's Photo Friday - Night

Once again, I'm participating in Calliope's Photo Friday. Go check out everyone else's submissions.

Obviously, I took this first picture a few months ago, but I love Christmas! This was also the first time I was able to really get the lights to pop. I also love the reflection of the lights on the wet street.

The second picture I took in Las vegas last fall. Again, a good camera really makes a difference. I would have never got this picture a couple of years ago.